Sunday, February 7, 2010

Week 5: Adult Learners and Connectivism - Application

My network has changed tremendously from the way that I’ve learned in the past. I find that my need for information is all obtained online versus having to perform research through the library or face to face study groups as I did when pursing my undergraduate degree. My study resources are now obtained through internet connections. I keep in touch with friends and family through social networks such as Facebook and Myspace.

The digital tools the best facilitate learning for me are my laptop with Windows XP and Vista operating systems, IPOD for on quick on the go information and scheduling. The information highway and the portability of my laptop allow me to maintain my daily responsibilities such as work, kids’ activities, and family while keeping on top of my assignments. While my daughter is at volleyball practice 3 days per week I bring my laptop with me to perform assignments and research. At work, I’m able to pull up assignments and resources during my down times at work. Technology has really made furthering my education more feasible with my hectic lifestyle.

When I have questions or need further insight on a topic I turn to the internet or Barnes and Nobles. The information highway has provided answers to any question that I may have regarding any topic. When detailed research is required I spend a great deal of time at Barnes and Nobles bookstore as oppose to the public library. Although the information is free and plentiful in the public library, I enjoy the environment of Barnes and Nobles. Typically, I begin with the internet and from there I move to Barnes and Nobles with resource information that I’ve gathered to obtain related literature. When I have questions pertaining to an assignment, policy, or procedure I use the school web portal and resources to get those questions answered quickly. Walden resources have proven very helpful and quick enabling me to meet assignment timelines.

My personal learning networks support my view of connectivism by enabling me to venture out of my daily bubble through the use of the internet. I’m a very introverted individual and I’m truly able to express myself online without the hesitations that I would probably have if connected in a face to face environment.

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