In the beginning of this course, it appeared evident that my learning style was geared around the cognitive and constructivist theories. As a cognitive learner, I would need to make the learning topic was something meaningful and relevant to me in order to mentally commit to grasping the information for storage in my long term memory. In addition to making the information relevant, I believed that the information would need to be repeated in different formats for me to grasp it. I believed that repetition of information was key if I planned to retain it. I also believed that I followed constructivism. I believed that knowledge emerged in the context in which it is relevant, which worked hand in hand with cognitive learning. I felt that it was easier for me to grasp information that I knew would be valuable and utilized to enhance current knowledge. I had to see it useful to my environment whether it is personal or professional.
In this seventh week, my perspective has changed slightly. First, I believe that I can follow any of the learning theories depending on what is being learned and its purpose. I believe that I learn through behaviorism, observation of others behavior, which is enhanced when reward and punishment are factors. I still believe that Cognitive learning is my primary method for learning. I still believe that I need relevance, structure, purpose, and clear objectives to grasp information. I believe that I tend to follow the constructivist theory through my need to create meaning through my interactions with others in my environment. However, I feel that now I learn more toward the Social Learning Theory as opposed to Constructivist. I realize that I learn a great deal through modeling others in my career, and personally. Once I realize that I want to learn something, and I have a resource to model, that’s the route that I would take over anything else. Connectivism theory is not a strong theory that I follow because I’m not keen on networking, however I have noticed that I learn a great deal through technological social networks. The use of technology today and brought out my ability to socialize as myself, enabling me to grow through others.
Technology is used in almost every way of my learning. I use the computer daily to learn about news around the world, communicate with colleagues and peers. Technology is used to research information in my professional and personal world. I also use various online social networks and blogs for researching purposes, and general knowledge. Technology is used in my professional life to determine assessment scores and evaluation outcome for curriculum enhancements on current training. Technology is critical in my life today for quick, easy, extensive learning at my disposal 24/7.
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